Larry Barton & Roberta Lewis-Barton

Episode I:
Larry, Jim & Roberta Sample the Jones Soda Thanksgiving Holiday Pack

Jones Sodas

Turkey & Gravy Soda, Wild Herb Stuffing Soda, Brussel Sprout Soda, Cranberry Soda, Pumpkin Pie Soda. Oh, and it came with a wet-wipe and a spork. No, we didn't use the spork.

The Taste of Foot

Jim's reaction was not immediately poetic. His verbal reaction to the Brussel Sprout Soda was, "foot!" Enough said.


Roberta's strategy was to sip some and see how it was. But then we informed her she had to drink the rest of what was in her cup. This was her reaction. How does one describe something that is so... well... sublime is certainly not the word we're looking for, here.


Larry's approach soon became to down the whole thing and get it over with. Having to put the flavor in your mouth a second time was usually too much. The Cranberry Soda (shown here, the best of the bunch) wasn't bad, but wasn't great. The "pensive" reaction is probably not what some aspiring soda engineer was hoping for, though.

Pumpkin Pie

The Pumpkin Pie Soda was surprisingly unpleasant! Jim's reaction made it worth the price of admission, as did his frantic search immediately following this photo for something to wash the taste from his mouth.



The Jones Soda Episodes:


The James C. Mack Jones Soda
Thanksgiving Holiday Pack Ratings:
A "Gastrotastrophy"

Jim's official reaction to each of the sodas included:

TURKEY & GRAVY:  Not evil,... just... gross.

WILD HERB STUFFING: Just a tad more evil, or in some way less... because it seemed somehow to be "thinner" than the Turkey & Gravy.

BRUSSEL SPROUT: Tasted like a nasty, post-Boston Marathon runnin' (in the rain) foot, sportin' five year old tennies!

CRANBERRY: I still don't think it was bad... It tasted like a cheap mixer... maybe a Dollar Store version of Ocean Spray.

I still shiver at the smell (aroma is too generous a word).
Then... it tasted like that foot when you're out of shape and run the Boston Marathon (with or without the rain). It "almost" made me remember the Brussels Sprout Soda with a sort of fungus. Fondness... I meant fondness.